Friday, July 15, 2005


Well, its been a month of R&R (Rest & Relaxation), a really tiring month of R&R! In this entire month, I have done nothing but spend time meeting up with friends, and spending time enjoying my life (when was the last time I enjoyed so much?).

I have spent the month watching movies, travelling places, doing night-outs, and generally enjoying my life to the fullest (thanks Pallo, Sudhanshu, Radhika, Vikram and Venkat).

I resigned from my 1st job on the 18th of May 2005 and my LWD (last working day) was the 18th of June. It wasn't a very difficult/emotional parting with my employer, but it was quite a tearful parting with Mumbai (the city of dreams). I however, pledged never to return to the city that drove me to work like a madman.

Now starts a brand new chapter of my life. It is exciting and yet I am a bit anxious (will I be able to cope?). This monday I depart for a part of India that I have never seen before: The East. Registration with IIT KGP is on the 20th of July 2005, and I am really looking forward to it. What does this new chapter behold for my future?

I really can't answer that question, and as a result I am hit with doubts. But I must have faith in my choice, and do what I want!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll do wonderful! Enjoy your brief academic stint :)

9:32 AM  

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